Monday, January 30, 2017

Top Reasons to Incorporate Nootropic Gum Into Your Busy Modern Life

Brains beat out brawn in today’s highly technological world and being mentally fit is now every bit as important as being physically fit. With this important trend have emerged many substances that can reputedly boost the brain and facilitate learning. These substances have been called nootropics and are increasing in variety and form every day. 

One of the latest innovations from the nootropic industry offers all the same brain boosting ingredients found in other products in chewing gum form for added convenience. But what can we really expect from the latest product on the brain boosting market? This article will illustrate some of the advantages nootropic gum can have for your busy modern lifestyle. 

Nootropic Gum 

Nootropic Gum is the most recent product on the brain booting market with many promises of improving lifestyles and benefitting the modern human.  This radical new brain supplement is rapidly changing the definition most of us have for a brain supplement.

Many of these nootropic gums contain a special blend of ingredients that produce mentally stimulating effects. Caffeine, L-theanine and essential vitamins are among the most common ingredients of a nootropic gum and what provides the brain boosting benefits.

An increase in concentration, improved alertness and memory retention as well as overall cognition are just some of the benefits associated with this latest form of Nootropic. But is it truly possible to boost brain power and improve work and energy levels with just a chewing gum?

Let’s begin with a look at some common ingredients in Nootropic Gum

Caffeine — It’s unlikely you’ve never tried caffeine Energy Gum. It’s everywhere! You see it in coffee, chocolate, teas, sodas and the accursed energy drink. Consumption of caffeine is not harmful and even highly beneficial in its natural form. It even has the capacity to prevent the onset of certain types of cancer. 

Of course that’s not what most of us are thinking when we stumble out of bed and rush to the percolator for a cup of courage. Caffeine is also a stimulant that allows us to think and act with determination, clarity and resolve. 

L theanine Gum PillsThe lesser known stimulant found in green tea. Green tea has been favored above coffee by many workers who prefer the gentle alertness and no jitters this softer stimulant can provide. Green teas have been prescribed as a treatment for anxiety, Alzheimer's and even high blood pressure. L-theanine also has a molecular structure very similar to Glutamate, which improves neural impulses in the brain. 

The Best Ratios and Ingredients

In many nootropic gums, the qualities of caffeine and L-theanine come together to create a gestalt. L-theanine has been found to interact with caffeine in a special way. Have you ever noticed that after a few cups of coffee, sitting down and working is actually harder. L-theanine works to counter this tendency to switch attention and helps to ignore distractions. 

The perfect ratio between these two important ingredients is ideal for staying stimulated for longer than an ordinary coffee can stimulate and avoiding the jitters and distractions of too much caffeine. L-theanine also has calming and stress-relieving properties that make work and focus all the more enjoyable. 

Mode of Consumption

There is also a specific advantage to chewing these stimulants rather than drinking them. When chewing on a nootropic gum, the stimulants are assimilated through buccal absorption. This type of absorption can assimilate five times the amount of nutrients than can be absorbed through ingestion. 

When you drink a coffee or tea, the stimulants will react with stomach juices which degrade their effective compounds. Chewing a nootropic gum gives the full effect for much longer. 

Top Three Reasons Nootropic Gum should be Incorporated into Your Busy Life

It may sound futuristic but the reports are in and there are some specific benefits to improving cognitive function and the simple capacity to work longer and smarter with this latest invention. Following are the top three reasons nootropic gum could be your biggest ally in a busy life:

No. 1 — Nootropic Gum Will Help You Learn And Remember Facts 

The special blend of ingredients in just the right quantities have been designed to enhance cognitive function. Brain performance is under constant threat from the many free radicals that impede the flow of information and signals through the brain. This adversely affects neural operation and transmission which can make it tough to concentrate. 

But a top-notch brain boosting Energy Gum has the qualities to reverse this effect. By reducing the effects of toxins in the brain cognitive function is restored and this allows you to retain important information and boosts short term memory. This is essential to creativity and the capacity to assimilate information.

No. 2— Nootropic Gum Can Help Boost Focus And Concentration

Chewing gum, in itself, has been a great benefit to concentration and overall alertness. This has been found true with long distance truck drivers, baseball players and even soldiers on the battlefield. How much better if this chewing gum was specifically designed to improve concentration?

There is not always time to rest from work and regain a sharpness of mind that allows work to flow continuously. But this sharpness can be replenished with the right brain boosting supplement. This is often found in an energy drink, cup of joe or other stimulant. But chewing nootropic gum has specific benefits that these potions don’t have.   

No. 3 — The Competitive Edge 

Technology has taken a center stage in this day and age. The capacity to learn and retain information, lots of information, is the deciding factor be career that is growing and prospering and one that is slowly falling behind, there is no stand still. 

With a proper nootropic, you will gain the capacity to process information and produce innovative solutions to the tasks you face with the speed of business. Sometimes it all comes down to that split second decision and the ability to think on your feet. This is where nootropic gum can mean the difference between nailing a precise answer and standing there wondering what the question was.

In Closing

Technology moves in a single direction: forward. It is impossible to think that at any time in the future the power of the brain will be in less demand than it is now. With this in mind, it is essential for the modern human to stay at the top of their game and make use of these supplements to stay miles ahead of the competition.  

Nootropic Caffeine gum provides a convenient and natural way to maintain an active mind and a sharp edge over the competition. 

Sunday, January 29, 2017

How Does Caffeine Affect Energy Metabolism throughout the Brain?

The single most widely used “psychoactive” drug in America and probably the world is caffeine. Caffeine is the best friend of desperate students, determined workers and many of the greatest minds this world has known. Why is it that we reach for a cup of joe when we feel our last vestiges of endurance flitting away? Because caffeine improves our mood and therefore the perspective we have on the tasks at hand. It also combats the fatigue of a long day of work and enables us to gather our strength for another round of physical or mental strain. Furthermore, it clears the mind of the inconsequential and sharpens our focus to where it can make the biggest difference.

Caffeine Sugar Free Energy Gum also plays an important role in adjusting the body's daily natural clock and is a good way to optimize routine events such as waking up, intense exercise, and mentally exhausting activities or to ward off drowsiness that occurs at the same time each day, such as when leaving work and driving home.

But there is a dark side to this providential potion; drink too much and the symptoms can be counterproductive to a clear mind and smooth operations. High doses of caffeine can result in insomnia, high blood pressure, a racing heart and profuse sweating.

So, what is it about caffeine that gives it such a unique and pleasant effect on our mind and body? It could be said that caffeine Energy Gum accelerates the brain’s functions by removing their braking systems. Then once you get going inertia flies you to the finish line.

 It all begins with that first sip...  

The second you sip that cup of coffee, black tea or energy drink, caffeine is already being absorbed into the bloodstream. Caffeine is absorbed buccally, which means it can easily traverse the linings of the mouth and throat. From here it is delivered directly into the blood where its effects on the brain and other parts of the body can be felt almost immediately.

The process begins very quickly and caffeine's effects can last as long as 4 to 6 hours in the average human. The biggest factors that affect potency of caffeine for the individual are age, medical conditions, history of drug use and the frequency and quantity of caffeine that is consumed over time.

Caffeine in the Brain

Once in the brain caffeine plays several important roles in current brain functions, improves energy metabolism and also prevents the onset of brain deterioration in the long term. One of the most studied roles of caffeine in the brain is the way it acts as an adenosine antagonist.

Adenosine is an important time release chemical that tells the body when to initiate the wake sleep process and affects energy metabolism as well. Here’s how it works:

When adenosine is released and begins to bind to adenosine receptors, the individual begins to feel drowsy, blank and soon begins to nod off. This is the “braking system” that pulls the human body into a “rest stop” before it has a collision.

Caffeine brain boosting energy gum, working as an adenosine antagonist, binds to the adenosine receptors before adenosine has a chance to do its job, essentially saying “we’ll take the next rest stop” and continue operations. This does not replace the need for proper rest but prolongs the effects of drowsiness.

This action also improves the function of dopamine, the “feel good” chemical, throughout the brain. Dopamine works better with caffeine blocking adenosine from reaching its receptors. Increased amounts of adenosine in the blood affect energy metabolism. Adrenal glands that produce extra energy react to adenosine by giving the individual a feeling of alertness and focus.

In addition to improving the energy metabolism and combating the feelings of drowsiness, lifelong caffeine consumptions, in appropriate amounts, has been found to preserve the function of the brain and resist the onset of Alzheimer’s and other cognitive conditions.

Caffeine’s Effects on the Body

Once in the bloodstream, caffeine is taken to the liver where it is metabolized into the important chemicals that can begin to affect body functions. One of these, theophylline, works to relax the smooth muscles. This is why caffeine can be used to relieve the symptoms of asthma and can increase the urgency to visit the restroom.

Caffeine also increases blood flow through the body and to the brain. More blood flow means more oxygen, more oxygen means better brain function and alertness. Initially a vasoconstrictor, caffeine begins by narrowing the blood vessels of the brain. But as the theophylline begins to take effect, the blood vessels widen and increase circulation throughout the body.

Another of these chemicals, theobromine, works to improve the assimilation of oxygen and nutrients by the muscles and brain. Which is why caffeine before routine exercise can help push limits and improves performance.

Caffeine affects many bodily functions before it is expelled from the body. These we have seen here are the most significant, but more are being researched and confirmed by the scientific and medical community every day.

Caffeine Leaves the Body

The splendid effects are short lived and within a few hours the effects of caffeine begin to wear off. This begins when the caffeine in the blood enters the kidneys and is categorically filtered out and sent to the bladder with the rest of the waste.

Caffeine is also a diuretic, which means it helps the body to release water and this action in itself help to filter the caffeine from the blood. Although, new evidence suggests caffeine has stronger diuretic effects on those who have not consumed much caffeine and have a lower tolerance to the molecule.

Once caffeine has been filtered from the blood or transformed and used by various cells, the individual can feel a sudden crash of exhaustions. This is because all the adenosine receptors that were saturated with caffeine are now open to blood flooded with adenosine.

The impulse to “pull over” for a nap is almost impossible to ignore. Dopamine is also repressed and this can make for some pretty grumpy individuals. 

Monday, January 23, 2017

Fear Is The Mind Killer

Fear is the killer. The neat fences that box in play-it-safers are trapping the minds of brilliant individuals and emerging voices that are stifled and rooted in belief systems that are crippling their individual existence along with the lives of individuals that long for their greatness. You are a human being who will encounter a fluctuation of emotions on an everyday basis. Life is a never-ending gamble. Human beings gamble aspects of their very own existence within every choice acted upon. Human beings are innately vulnerable to both natural and man-made catastrophes. At any moment, I could get hit by a car, shot by a bullet or die in my sleep. The only extreme lengths in life are the lengths human beings go to to be wary and vigilant pertaining to life.
I am unceasingly birthing a life that is drenched in what I have previously dreamt. Yes, I am personally storming down the road less travelled, but I have learned that the beaten path is not and never will be for me. I will not jump through societies hoops and red tape; my milestones are measured by the amount of joy I have collected and love that I feel at the end of each day. I am tender. The luxury of life certainly does not equate to glitter and gold; I perceive a life of luxury as staying true to my ferocious soul and the passionately boiling blood rushing through my veins as it rocks my sturdy bones. This is far from emotional detachment; experience has simply taught me to build up an inexhaustible supply of elephantine strength and fortitude in the face of adversity. Regardless of the level of fear that an individual creates pertaining to the very circumstance that is bringing their life to a screeching halt, the uncertainty ahead is never too much to bear. Emotional tornadoes feeding the fear of embarrassment or inadequacy are stopping individuals in their tracks on the edge of exceptional glory. The arch nemesis that shocks an individual’s system with panic and doom must be confronted head on. You will encounter harrowing pain and potentially enormous consequences. You cannot hot potato toss your pain onto the next individual to steer clear of your bloody discomfort. Danger is very real, but fear is a choice.
I am endlessly astonished by human ingenuity. I am fortunate to have discovered my ability to elevate the murkiest disarray into words that string together and activate the process of identity. I endlessly look forward to being challenged by experiences far unseen. I muse upon the fragrant intoxication of foreign terrain orbiting my brain and I feel a smile spread across my face. The mere thought of setting an intention to act and participate in cultural exchange amongst assimilating with the rhythm and characteristics of the unfamiliar ignites a collection of human emotions that relax and pull my shoulder blades down my back. I fondly anticipate long summer days of delight, deep conversations under the lingering midnight sun and the energetic pulse of the unknown. I have no idea what I will encounter within this life. I have replaced fear with courage. I have stopped hesitating. I refuse to put any and every precious day of my life on hold due to the daze of fear. I do not blissfully ignore or cherry-pick what I choose to face in life. Although I do have a mighty high tolerance for disorder and dismay, I boldly state that I have grown exponentially through life’s storms. Fear is my greatest motivational tool. I embrace fear as my heroic guide through times of upheaval and trepidation. I share my unique medicine through the development of versatility which has led to broadened borders leading to life-enhancing experiences and influential exposure. I have created space for unconventional perception and extraordinary possibility. I am bloody yet unbowed.
Do what you fear the most. Fail. Learn. Do not slam the door on the wisest teacher on Earth. Now more than ever, the world craves your message. Live in this world like there’s no tomorrow. Travel to places you have dreamed of visiting. Love with every ounce of your heart. Materialize your wildest dreams. Meet new human beings. Rise above mediocrity.
NeuroGum Nootropic Sugar free energy gum gives your brain the boost it needs to function at its best. These energy gum pills give you a fresh breath of energy without the jitters or crash.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Everything You Need to Know about Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms

If you are feeling low on energy and fatigued, this could be a symptom of Vitamin B-12 deficiency. Also known as cobalamin, Vitamin B-12 is an essential nutrient that is only found in animal foods, although synthetic supplementation is also available.

Vitamin B12 also plays a vital role in the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system, and for the formation of blood. NeuroGum Nootropic Caffeine Gum is a sugar free energy gum that contains 40 mg Caffeine, 60 mg L Theanine and B12 vitamin.

Extensive research into the Vitamin B-12 has recently displayed many awesome truths about this the most structurally complex of all the vitamins.

What is Vitamin B-12?

Vitamin B-12 is a nutrient that plays an important role in the metabolism of energy in healthy cells and amino acids in fatty acids. Then there are a many other physiological processes that depend on Vitamin B-12 for optimal function. The formation of red blood cells and the production of myelin sheaths that insulate nerves are two such examples. Proper brain function, the health of the central nervous system as well as DNA synthesis and regulation are all improved with proper Vitamin B12 intake. 

As important as B12 is to human life, it is surprisingly unique in its production. It can’t be found in plants, animals or even fungi. The only known source of this essential vitamin is a specific bacteria. According to the DRI, or daily recommended intake, 2 -3 micrograms a day is more than enough for the average adult.

Nevertheless, recent research has shown that the body can only absorb 1.5 mcg (micrograms) total at any one feeding time.  This is an important fact to consider when calculating your daily nutrient intake. If you are afraid you aren’t getting enough B12 in your daily diet, consider supplementing to ensure adequate intake. It’s also good to know that it is impossible to ingest a harmful excess of B-12 as whatever the body does not need it will eliminate.

Vitamin B-12 deficiency should be a concern when calculating your nutritional needs.

What is Considered B-12 Deficiency?

Vitamin B-12 is taken from the foods or supplements we eat every day. A healthy adult can store enough B12 to last them over 3 - 5 years. A total of 2 to 5 grams is all that will be needed due to the liver’s capacity to use and recycle B12 with incredible efficiency.

More than half of the body’s stored B-12 is held in the liver. This is why evidence of deficiency can take a considerable amount of time before making itself evident. Blood testing will be important to ascertain the correct levels of B12 and ensure that they are sufficient to maintain the brain and CNS (Central Nervous System) in optimal health. If not it is very simple for conditions to arise from improper levels of B12.

What is Vitamin B-12 Deficiency?

As B12 nutrients begin to decline conditions of deficiency are more likely to occur. This can take a few years before the condition can be fully measured in the blood. According to studies there are four stages of a B12 deficiency characterized by specific conditions, as follow:

Stage 1 - Blood levels of B12 decrease and cell stores are depleted.

Stage 2 - Cellular levels decrease

Stage 3 - B12 has reached a state of functional imbalance. This is where levels of homocysteine/MMA are increased in the blood and DNS sees a decreased rate of synthesis. This may be years later but this stage can be tested and compared with other conditions and symptoms to ascertain the extent of the condition.

Stage 4 - Clinical symptoms of B12 Deficiency become more apparent. These can include peripheral neuropathy, macrocytic anemia and other neurological symptoms. Many of the symptoms of old age like cognitive decline memory loss as well as the loss of balance and mobility are also related to a significant B-12 deficiency.

What Are the Symptoms of Vitamin B-12 Deficiency?

Knowing what the most common symptoms of Vitamin B-12 deficiency are is one of the best ways to avoid this unhealthy and possibly debilitating condition. It can take many years before the deficiency can be detected by blood testing, so it’s also important to know that the symptoms themselves can be mild and undetected as B-12 levels diminish.

·         Megaloblastic Anemia — this second type of anemia can impede the production of red blood cells in bone marrow.
·     Neurological Conditions —such as schizophrenia, confusion, disorientation or depression. Many of the damages of the conditions are irreversible.
·         Sexual Dysfunction — low libdio, ED, low sperm count, low levels of sex hormones
·         Insomnia
·         Fatigue
·         Spinal cord/myelin sheath degeneration.
·         Paresthesia (tingling sensation in hands, feet, limbs).
·         Itchy skin.

What Are the Causes a Vitamin B-12 Deficiency?

To avoid a Vitamin B12 deficiency, sufficiency amounts of the nutrient must be absorbed by the body. In addition to an insufficient quantity of B12 in the diet there are some other physical conditions that can impede this process and result in a b12 deficiency. Following are some of these causes:

Insufficient Consumption

Vitamin B12 can only be found in animal products and supplements, without which a deficiency can ensue. Vegan and vegetarian diets are severely lacking in this essential vitamin and require proper supplementation to offset this imbalance. Children can present less reserves of B12 and also absorb the nutrient less efficiently; thus, they require higher daily intakes.  

Low Stomach Acids

Without sufficient Hydrochloric Acid in the stomach, B12 can’t be fully assimilated from the proteins in which it is found. Low HCI is a common occurrence in the elderly who commonly present conditions of low stomach acid.

Other causes of Vitamin B12 deficiency include:

·         Celiac Disease — when the small intestines become damaged, they are less able to absorb B12.
·      Bad Bacterial Populations — certain intestinal flora can obstruct the absorption of B12 when their populations reach critical levels.
·    Medications — certain medications, for example Metformin that treats diabetic condition, can interfere with the absorption of B12.
·       Parasitic Infections — Giardiasis can leach the nutrient and prevent it from becoming absorbed by the small intestine. 
·          Alcohol — excessive consumption of alcohol can reduce the body’s capacity to absorb B12.

In Conclusion

Vitamin B12 is an essential part of the human dietary intake that affects many of the body's vital processes. It is important to meet recommended intake levels daily of B12, in order to optimize and improve brain function, neurological health and the formation of red blood cells

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Effective Tips on Beating Boredom Eating

Snacking beyond your designated meals is not so bad in itself. It is a good idea to have a healthy snack on hand to avoid feeling famished throughout the day. But if you find that your between-meal-snacks are becoming more regular and are even taking the place of your pre-established mealtimes, this could be a sign of an unhealthy extreme. 

It is not uncommon for many people to eat as a way of satisfying other needs, namely being stressed or bored. This is nothing to be ashamed of, we all know how effective a chocolate or crunchy treat can be as a mood lifter. The danger, as in so many human activities, lies in excess. 

Overeating to counteract the effects of boredom can result in several serious health conditions including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc. The worse thing about the vicious cycle is that it becomes harder to break as it is continuously practiced. 

Consider the typical sequence of events: the subject is sitting in their house alone probably flipping through channels or looking for some other form of amusement. Then out of nowhere they get an urge to eat, head over to the kitchen and grab something from the fridge. Most of this process just happened subconsciously and without the actual feeling of hunger being challenged or examined. 

This is why it is essential to become more aware of each moment when committing to change this negative health habit. While there are several ways to approach boredom eating, the best approach begins with awareness. 

Carefully Examining Your Eating Habits

The best way to improve your eating habits is to keep a careful record. A food diary is not just a good idea for those wishing to optimize their consumption for maximum physical output, it can be used by anyone to improve their lives by making adjustments to this basic activity. 

Record what you eat over a few weeks. Write down what you eat, what time you eat it as well as why you were eating it and how you felt at the time. Nothing fancy something as simple as “poutine, 4:30 pm, everyone else was eating, felt left out.”   

Review your notes. What times do you eat when truly hungry? What times did you eat when you were just bored? What patterns do you recognize during this time? After you have recorded your eating habits over a few weeks you will have a better idea of how to counter this trend in both the long term and the short term. 

Following are some helpful tips that you can apply to optimizing your eating habits. Working to avoid boredom eating can be done with long term goals and projects as well as quick fire responses to the sudden urge to eat. 

Let’s begin with some long term approaches to boredom eating.

Long Term Approaches to Boredom Eating

Preemption is the name of the game when attempting to interrupt this habit. Looking over your food journal may give you glimpses of times when you eat out of boredom. Once you recognize the habit, it stands out from necessary eating.

Find a Hobby - If you see you have too much time on your hands and are often met with 15 to 45 minutes or more between activities, get a hobby. Hobbies only take 10 to 20 minute of undivided attention each day to produce spectacular results. Puzzles, blogging, self-education, physical exercise and more only require a few hours a week to perfect.

Get More Exercise - Regular physical exercise naturally sets your body into a rigid eating schedule. This is a great way to improve self-esteem which leads to a more active lifestyle and reduces boredom altogether. Then even eating your favorite snacks is more enjoyable. 

Capture the Mind - Being more mindful of the moment will allow you to consider a few options before instantly reaching for a Twinky. Maybe there are some odd jobs that needed to be done? Perhaps a co-worker could use some help on their work? Look for alternatives to twiddling your thumbs and inviting an impulse to eat. 

Quick Fire Responses to Crush the Urge to Eat

Sometimes the moment is already there and bored or not, it sure feels like we’re hungry. But wait, here are a few alternatives to raiding the fridge that can save you from gaining pounds and sharpen your resolve. 

Drink Water - Many times dehydration is experienced as hunger. This can be made worse by reaching for salty chips or sugary soft drinks. Add a note in your food journal that says “no less than 3lt. of water each day”. Next time you are hungry reach for a tall glass of water. 

Take the Time to Plate your Food - Don’t eat food from the bag, box or container. This shortens the impulse satisfaction time and further consolidates the behavior. Take the time to set your food out on a plate and gain a grip on what you are doing. This will allow you to consider portion sizes, anticipate your feeding and improves digestion if you are truly hungry. 

Call a Friend - There is no support like a friend. Whether you choose to inform them of your plans to reduce boredom eating or not is your choice, but having a friend to call up if you are feeling peckish can give you the distraction you need to push past the moment and wait till suppertime. 

Chew Gum - Chewing gum relaxes the jaw muscles, releases tension and also pulls the mind into the moment. If you have a pack of gum closer to you than a yummy snack you can distract your desire to feed with the non-fattening chewing action. 

NeuroGum Nootropic Sugar free energy gum gives your brain the boost it needs to function at its best. These energy gum pills give you a fresh breath of energy without the jitters or crash.

In Conclusion 

Don’t assume that because you find yourself eating outside of mealtimes that you are boredom eating. Those with active lifestyles need more fuel than most. Hunger pangs can strike despite your best efforts to distract yourself. 

When this happens be sure to have a wealth of good nutritious food stuffs on which to chow down. Popcorn, nuts, carrots and hummus are all high in nutrients and a great way to beat back the munchies without incurring health problems.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

7 Ways Improve Your Memory & Boost Brainpower at Any Age

Have you ever noticed how easy it is for some people to remember minuscule details of events from years ago? Have you ever wished that you could have a sharper memory and comprehend new concepts easily? 

"NeuroGum Nootropic gum is a sugar free gum that improves the function of your brain. This Caffeine  Energy Gum unlocks your potential by improving alertness and concentration."

The good news is that the brain can be kicked into gear at any stage of life. While it is always more advantageous to begin these good health habits while young and adaptive, the following healthy habits can boost brain power at any age.

1. Get Plenty of Vigorous Exercise 

Exercising is not just about keeping your muscles and body in an attractive form. Daily exercise is essential for good health in your heart, lungs internal systems and, of course, your brain. Obesity and the plethora of other health conditions that can spring from inactivity have negative effects on brain function. 

Lack of regular exercise can cause a buildup of plaque in the blood vessels and arteries in the body. This impedes the smooth blood circulation and the transfer of vital oxygen throughout the body. In addition to an increased risk of heart attacks, plaque reduces the amounts of nutrients and oxygen provided to the brain and other body parts. 

Without a full supply of nutrients or oxygen to the brain, functions are compromised significantly. To avoid the onset of this situation, be sure to get plenty of exercise every day. While a full hour of blood pumping aerobics or sports is ideal, but not always possible, a half-hour walk through the park or bike ride can improve brain acuity. 

2. Eliminate Stressors and Fight Depression

Fear, anger and stress sap vital energy from the brain, especially the part of the brain responsible for memory, creative thinking and concentration. One of the most damaging mental conditions is depression, which has often been mistakenly identified as a mental condition due to its ability to impede concentration. Without focus it is easy to assume things are simply slipping from your memory. 

Those suffering from depression will have higher amounts of cortisol circulating within their brain and bloodstream. Medical science has proven that cortisol works to corrode certain areas of the brain, namely the hippocampus, which is responsible for short memory storage. Short-term memory is essential to learning, making new associations and focusing on the work or projects at hand. Prolonged depression can destroy your capacity to think of something new and find creative solutions to tasks at hand. 

If you are suffering from depression, don’t wallow in it! — Get Help Today! Try Sugar Free Energy Gum

3. Get Proper Rest and Sleep

A consistent 7 - 8 hours of sleep each night will optimize your memory retention. Sleeping is as essential to a well-balanced life as proper nutrition or daily exercise. During sleep your body goes through many cycles, each cycle is essential to proper body function when awake. 

The brain takes this time of repose to consolidate memories and process newly acquired information. This is very important to learning new things well and building on stored memory, without proper sleep the mind becomes a jumble of disorganized lessons, intentions and tasks. Try taking a nap during the day especially after you have learned something new. You will find your thoughts better consolidated and your brain fully recharged keeping your cognitive function at its best. 

4. Write it Down 

If you have a specific piece of information you will need to access later, write it down. The simple act of writing down a note is often all you will need to store that information in your mind. When you jot down a note, you activate and oxygenize parts of the brain essential for memory retention. The more you write down the more exercise your brain is getting. 

Begin some brain healthy habits like keeping a journal, writing emails to yourself or even keeping a personal blog of all the activities you have adopted to improve your brain power and memory. These activities will improve your capacity to remember small details and consolidate newly acquired information. 

5. Listen to Music

Some types of music, according to medical studies, has been known to improve the capacity for mental recall. Information gathered while listening to a particular piece of Bach, for example, can be recalled by playing the piece of music again. Beats, melodies and tunes can be used to pull up particular pieces of information.

6. Feed the Brain

You need a fatty brain! How do you like that? 50% - 60% of the brain is simply body fat used to insulate and protect the millions of nerve cells operating beneath. The better the fatty insulation around these nerves the better their capacity to transmit and receive signals. In other words fatty brains can think faster and clearer than skinny brains. 

This is exactly why parents and caregivers are advised to give small children whole milk. They are even warned on the dangers of juvenile dieting programs that can adversely affect brain development. Even low-fat diets in adults can reduce the necessary brain fat.  

With this in mind, let’s pack on the micro-pounds with these brain healthy fats that are essential to long-term memory. Begin with fish like wild salmon, anchovies, sardines and mackerel. Then it’s off to the produce department for some dark leafy veggies, kale, spinach and bok choi, which are all top picks. Fats are important too, but steer clear of those deep fried foods and vegetable oils. Look for animal fats like bacon, lard and duck fat which have the fats the brain needs for improved communications. 

7. Teach Teach Others

Reading out loud has been found one of the best ways to remember the subjects you are reading about. When your eyes, brain and voice are working together to understand a concept, you learn it better. The more parts of your body you focus on a subject at hand the better you will learn. Taking notes on what you read improves this capacity seven fold. 

Take this idea a few steps further by teaching this same concept to someone else. Educational instructors and psychologists alike have found that students who teach these concepts to others will understand them and recall their important principles far better. 

Final Thoughts

A mind that is clear as glass and fast as lightning is a huge advantage in this world of constant information. Remember that this ability can be cultivated at any stage in life and begins with a step toward better health. By following the above mentioned suggestions you can regain full control of your cranial capacity and set your mind in motion.   

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

6 Best Practices for Fortifying Work/Life Balance

In today’s modern societies, the boundaries of work and life have become muddled and the large majority of the populace consider themselves always “on the job”. But, developing an optimal balance between work and life is important to improving the creativity and focus that improves output in work. This in turn improves the quality of life and the positive cycle continues.

Naturally, this is easier said than done, and the struggle with this balance continues to sap the most active minds of ingenuity and creativity. Even major corporations struggle with this balance and designate experts to improving the work/life balance of their employees. 

Of all the valuable resources in the world, human focus has been in the highest demand over the past decade. As technology advances and the capacity to concentrate is crucial to making the most of the bountiful opportunities our super modern world extends to us. 

NeuroGum is a sugar free energy gum  or you can say brain boosting energy gum that utilizes the power of Nootropic. This brain boosting energy gum increases alertness, speed of encoding new data. 

The following six best practices can provide some benchmarks to improving the work/life balance you are experiencing.  

1. Know Your Needs and Express Them

The single biggest obstacle many of us face is misconceptions about what is truly important and the inability to communicate with family, coworkers and colleagues. Knowing what you need to function at your best is the first step in being balanced in work and life.

Your life will have certain needs that must be considered by your work. If you must be home by 6:00 for dinner with your family, or step away from work at 3:00 for a Swedish massage to deal with your back pain, let your boss and coworkers know. You can’t expect other people in your life and work to guess what you need to be the best you are, you must find out for yourself and educate them.

This is true for those who work from home, offices or wherever. There is a big difference between the work approaches of different people, but openly communicating what you need to function well is the first step to greater balance. 

2. Respect the Rules You Set

Setting rules for your work and life is a great way to consolidate your balance once you have found it. Rules will be very different; for one person it may be “yoga before breakfast”, for another ”cut off work at 7:00 pm sharp”. The point is if you don't adhere to these guidelines, you can’t achieve balance. Furthermore, you can’t expect those around you to respect them either.

You are sure to find every reason in the world to answer one more email after 7:03 or skip your Yoga routine just for one day; it will test you determination to abide by the rules you set. But, provided the rules you set are truly the best for you, you will find they are easier to live the more they are practiced. When others around see your adherence, they will naturally respect your choices for greater balance.

3. Understand Your Priorities

The saddest thing to see is people pouring their lives and focus into inconsequential pursuits. Time is the one resource that can never be recovered. All the money in the world won’t buy you a single minute. So, improve work/life balance by letting go of time wasters. Focus your efforts and energy into pursuits that actually matter. 

Carpe Diem - Seize the Day! Socrates said “an unexamined life is one not worth living”. Take the time to measure every ounce of effort and focus to be sure it is spent where it will bring you the best rewards, and ask if the rewards you are pursuing are worth your time and attention.  

4. Respect Your Transitions

It is easy for work and life to become very muddled when one activity leads into another and even overlap at times. Taking the time to transition from one activity to another, allows you to pick up at a better spot when you resume this activity in the future. A cup of tea, your favorite country song or even just ten deep breaths are enough to signal the mind and body that work is over and something else is about to happen.

When you fully disconnect from work, coworkers and the busy world, you can return to all these concerns later with greater perspective. But if you are taking your cellphone to the dinner table or your tablet to your vacations, you’ll never gain the clarity to approach your work analytically.

5. Life’s Not a Sprint It's a Marathon 

If you hope to enjoy a long life and successful career, settle in for the long haul, don’t keep running as if you were escaping your current predicaments. Of course, there are times when life is a sprint, and then you must sprint. But you can’t make a lifestyle out of this. Self-awareness is the key here; this will allow you to enjoy the amazing journey called “life”.

6. Keep Your Sleep Sacred

The advent of smaller screens and the unprecedented access they provide to social media, news and communications has created a generation addicted to instant-response. This has been proven by U.S. Army researchers to reduce the capacity to concentrate. Studies have also proven that taking time away from email and internet communications can actually improve concentration.  

5 Habits For Boosting Your Brain Power

While caffeine gum and other energy boosters are a pretty convenient pick-me-up for your cognitive function, for longer lasting benefits to your brain you will need to turn to making some positive changes in your life. Don’t fear change. This is the good kind. The kind that in the long run will make everything feel a little bit easier. Being more focused and in control sounds awesome, right?Well, let’s get to it. These are five of the brain boosting habits you can build that will have the greatest effect, as well as are the easiest to adopt.


The internet age has convinced many of us that we’re as quick as the computers we utilize. We imagine we can keep up because in many ways it seems like we do. But the price of this kind of activity is stress. Go for Neurogum Nootropic to reduce your stress level. 

The science coming in about stress’ effects on the brain is pretty damning. It seems to be one of the biggest long-term killers of your mental health. So cut back the multitasking. Turn off every notification on your phone that isn’t vital. One of the best ways to limit multitasking is using a Pomodoro technique, which you can learn about on our blog as well.


Get sleep. Can’t emphasize this one enough. It’s how your brain turns what you learned during the day into long-term knowledge. Those of you who think you can beat the system and get a little more out of your day with six hours or fewer of sleep, a recent study just revealed that trying this for a time period of two weeks results in the same lack of mental focus that staying up for two days straight produces.
If you need some help building better sleeping practices, check out our article for 8 tips to getting a better night’s sleep.


Exercise is going to benefit you threefold. First, it has been shown to promote neurogenesis on its own. In even as little as three hours of brisk walking, exercise increases blood flow to the brain. It also increases the brain’s ability to form connections between neurons. Second and Third, it’s going to help improve your sleep and reduce your stress. And you just learned how important those are. If you’re not already doing it, please start. Briskly walk and listen to a podcast, or the new albums that you keep missing. It’s also a good break from the internet, which counts as reducing your multitasking! That’s the first tip! Right up there!


Our brains expand the most in completely unfamiliar situations with new challenges, new environments, and new ideas. Travel has been pointed to as one of the best ways to challenge your brain and make it grow, particularly to locations that speak different languages and have different cultures than your own. If you’re like myself and can’t afford to make travel a habit, you can simulate these types of change by playing 3-D video games, volunteering for a type of work you’re not comfortable with in a place you don’t know, or finding a subculture of people in your local area who speak a different language or have different ideas than you.


Like getting exercise, meditation helps more than just during the meditation. It reduces stress, fear, and anger, which we know full well eat away at the brain long term. It also increases activity and connections in the parts of the brain that control deep thought, focus, and memory. We’ve written here about how to get started with mindfulness meditation, so try and build up a habit to push your brain’s continued development. Remember, meditation does not have to be sitting still in a field, so don’t feel like you can’t form a type of meditation that works for you!


Start building up these habits, and you will start to feel the increased power of your mind. These habits will also help you build the type of character that continues to encourage learning and growth. Of course, there’s other methods of harnessing neurogenesis such as diet, psychoactive compounds, and even fasting, but we are what we repeatedly do. 

Go out there and power up that brain of yours. Try Sugar Free Energy Gum today and activate your brain.