Saturday, May 6, 2017

Seven Exercises That Will Strengthen Your Attention

With the advent of technology and increased gadget use, it is not surprising that our attention spans get shorter and shorter. We are constantly inundated with information in the form of short messages, as our brains struggle to filter out distractors and multitask. According to Apple, iPhone users unlock their phones on average 80 times a day. That is, about once every 10 minutes. Recently, Microsoft carried out a study which demonstrated that our attention span has fallen from 12 seconds to 8 seconds in the last two decades, and that we now officially have less of an attention span than a goldfish (9 seconds). With many of us toggling back and forth between our computers and smartphones, receiving hundreds of emails, text messages and social media notifications every day, it is not surprising that we are losing our ability to focus on any single task. Have our devices rewired our brains for good? Is it even possible to restore our dwindling attention spans? The answer is yes, but it takes some work. Here are some tips to help you better focus your attention:

1.      Remove the Obvious Distractors

Constantly receiving notifications in the form of emails, text messages and social media notifications can wreak havoc on your productivity when you need to focus. According to a recent British study, we switch between our devices on average 21 times an hour. In addition, research shows that even small distraction that lasts a few seconds can disrupt your work flow and significantly increase your chances of making an error. Therefore, in times when you need to focus on a project, make sure you limit your distractions. To maximize your productivity, turn off the notifications for text messages, emails and social media alerts on all your devices and concentrate on the task at hand.

NeuroGum has Nootropic Energy gum is world’s first Caffeine Gum. This Nootropic helps to unlock your potential by improving concentration, focus, and memory through a medium that everyone can enjoy.  

2.      Set Priorities

In order to stay focus on a task or a project, it is important to set your priorities. To do this, first make a list of all the tasks or steps you need to complete and evaluate their urgency, importance and the length of time required to complete them. Then, order them, starting from the most urgent and time-consuming tasks. This will help you get an idea of what needs to be completed first and how much time the project will take. Setting clear priorities and goals helps you to stay focused, feel less overwhelmed and manage your time better.

3.      Optimize Your Work Flow

Everyone is different, and there are no clear rules as to how long we should work before taking a break. According to studies in the domain of cognitive science, most of us work in bursts of 25-50 minutes. Finding out which rhythm works for you and using it helps you stay focused. Although there is no single consensus by scientific studies on how long to keep working before taking breaks, most studies agree on one thing: taking breaks in between helps us focus on the task at hand and maximize our attention.

4.      Optimize the Level of Background Sound

If you are someone who needs silence to work, then make sure you do your work in a quiet space or a library, or wear earplugs. However, certain music can also help us focus better and increase our productivity. Studies reveal that for repetitive tasks, music can be beneficial to prolong our attention span. On the other hand, for projects and tasks that involve thinking and analyzing, music that includes the sounds of nature has been found to enhance our focus. Another recent study found that the music we like increases our concentration. So go ahead, find the soundtrack that helps you be most focused, and go with it.

5.      Meditate

Apparently, meditation is not only helpful for reducing our levels of stress and anxiety, but also helps us increase our attention span. According to brain researchers, short-term meditation training works wonders for improving our attention capacities. Learning meditation helps our brains to learn how to stay focused better and tune out distracting thoughts and worries. In addition to helping us sustain our attention, meditation can even make us better at paying attention to small details. To help you learn to meditate, there are many free online resources, videos and even applications.

6.      Stay Hydrated

When trying to sustain your focus for long periods of time, it is quite important to stay hydrated. It is equally important to note that drinking coffee and tea while working may help your productivity and focus, but can also make your body dehydrated. The results of a recent study have revealed that mild dehydration (before you even notice it) can interfere with our concentration, block our focus, and even interfere with our mood. So make sure you drink enough water; experts suggest that we need about 2 liters a day (eight 8-ounce glasses) for optimal function.

7.      De-Stress

It is no surprise that stress interferes with our cognitive function. Studies show that increased levels of stress can cause us to perform lower on IQ tests and decrease our attention span. According to researchers, prolonged periods of stress is damaging to cognitive performance, the ability to focus our attention, and the ability to shift between tasks. When we stress, the hormone cortisol floods our bodies and causes many negative consequences for our health in the long-term. Some tips to de-stress prior to beginning the important task which requires a lot of attention include going for a brief walk or jog, deep breathing exercises, or having a quick chat with a friend or a loved one. Regular exercise and getting enough sleep also play important roles in helping you maximize your cognitive function and attention span.

NeuroGum is a confectionary company that creates Nootropic that enhances focus and cognition, all while giving you a fresh breath of energy. NeuroGum energy gum is the best nootropic stack in the United States.

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