Friday, April 14, 2017

5 Reasons Your Weight Loss Efforts Are Not As Effective As They Could Be

Even if you are sticking to the best regimen for healthy eating and living, you may see that your weight is not dropping as you think “it ought to be”. While the benefits of healthy eating and living stretch far beyond a decreased body weight, this one aspect can be disheartening.

But it is no reason to quit, here are some of the most common reasons for weight loss frustration and some practical ways to address each one.

1.    Too Much Emphasis on the Scale

It’s common to feel that results aren’t happening fast enough. Or they aren’t coming as fast as when you first began your plan for better fitness. But you should remember that the scale is only measuring weight and this is nowhere near synonymous with overall progress, quite the opposite.

Weight can be affected by a number of circumstances, including undigested food and retained fluid levels. The fact is your body’s weight can change dramatically, even by as much as 4 pounds in a day. This depends on your typical eating and hydration habits.

Furthermore, women are also affected by the levels of estrogen and other hormones regulated during their monthly cycles. These can also affect your weight as they regulate how much of your fluids are retained.

Finally, if you are accompanying your weight loss goals with plenty of exercise, it is quite likely you are swapping body fat for muscle, which is considerably heavier. The takeaway here is that your weight can be a deceptive way to track progress and can distract you from your long term goals. So don’t place too much emphasis here.

Instead break out the tape measure and take monthly snapshots of yourself in the same pair of jeans you started out in, soon you will notice how loosely it fits.

2. Too Many or Too Few Calories

Calories must be carefully balanced in weight loss efforts. The ideal situation is to create a calorie deficit, meaning you will burn more calories than you are consuming. Typically, a decrease of 3500 cal. In a week was equivalent to a 1 pound loss. But things aren’t that simple, the calorie deficit must be done to the specific needs of the individual

It can be tricky to measure the exact amount of calories being consumed and it is quite possible that you are getting too many calories for your specific needs. Many healthy foods are also extra high in healthy energy and keeping an accurate account of your calorie intake will help you maximize your efforts.

On the other hand, many have found a 3500 cal. In a week to be a too much to drop in a week and left them famished without the energy to perform their exercise routines. Even worse, when the body feels threatened with starvation — because in a sense that it what‘s happening here— it will typically go into survival mode, dropping metabolic rates and greedily clinging to every ounce of energy reserves, or stored fat.

To get the best results from your diet and exercise program you will need to fine-tune your calorie intake, it is important to be burning off a good amount, but you also need enough food to fuel your routines, so aim for those happy mediums.

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3. Irregular Exercise Habits

During your weight you can expect to see some muscle mass and fat to be lost or gained depending on several factors.

If you don’t exercise, you can expect to lose some of that muscle mass, and because it weighs more than fat, some weight will go too. Inactivity also lowers the metabolic rate and weight from stored energy can increase too.

On the other hand, when you begin exercising you will also retain lean muscle mass and this will also raise the metabolic rate. The more you raise your lean mass levels and metabolic rate the easier it will be to lose weight and keep it lost.

By the same measure, you don’t want to overdo it. Too much exercise can be just as detrimental. Studies have shown that excessively ambitious exercise routines can be impossible to continue and can lead to feelings of frustration that thwart the most determined efforts.

You will want to make sure you begin with an actionable plan that doesn’t demand too much but also keeps you from falling to the effects of lethargy. Begin with routines that you can complete consistently for the foreseeable future to get the most from your weight loss goals.

4. Not Eating Enough Protein

Proteins will be an essential part of your weight loss success. This important nutrient can have a tremendous effect of your weight loss goals.

Proteins can make you feel more full, reduce cravings, increase metabolism and help to preserve vital muscle mass that can suffer during weight loss. According to one study on a group of participants on a diet of 30% calories from proteins, the final result was a reduction of calorie intake by 575 cal. Compared with a 15% calorie from protein diet.

This is another point where the exact ratios between personal requirements and precision protein intake will make all the difference in the world. If you have doubts, speak to a qualified nutritionist to see what would be the best choice for you.

5. Unrealistic Expectations

Without goals you will wandering about wondering if you are getting any closer to your ideal weight, so they are important to your overall success. However, it is essential that you keep goals that are easily attained.

According to extensive study in the fields of medicine, fitness and psychology, it is attainable goals that keep the individual challenged, inspired and progressing. Studies have shown that those who set the highest goals for themselves will be the first to drop out when they see they are only capable of a fraction of these results.

Set goals you can hit and hit consistently. Think baby steps, because we all got a crawl before we learn to fly. By setting a goal to something like a 10% weight loss in the first year you will understand what is required of you for that mere 10%.

By this time next year you will know exactly how to interface with yourself and make precise goals for yourself.

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In Conclusion

As you can see from many of these point, the feel for balance is the key to successful weight loss efforts. While the dynamics of weight loss are relatively simple to comprehend, all efforts must be tailored to your needs personally. This is where an intuitive approach and respect for the greater picture can bring you closer to your goals. 

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