Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Nutritional Facts and Health Benefits of Chili Peppers

Famous for its fiery taste, the chili pepper is one of the most popular spices in the world. In addition to being famous for adding that special burning hot flavor to our food, chili peppers are also well known for their medicinal and health benefiting properties.

The chili peppers’ origin has been traced to the Americas, and they are now cultivated across the world. The chili pepper is the fruit of plants from the genus Capsicum, members of the nightshade family, Solanaceae. The active ingredient in chili peppers that can set your mouth on fire is a compound known as capsaicin.

 Capsaicin produces the burning sensation in the mouth by stimulating pain receptors of the skin and its mucous membranes.Specifically, capsaicin activates the pain receptor TRPV1, which is also used to detect changes in temperature, and this is why we feel that chili peppers are hot.In turn, the brain responds to the pain sensation by releasing endorphins, the molecules that can create a sensation of pleasure. 

In addition to giving our food a novel, spicy flavor, chili peppers contain an impressive number of plant derived chemical compounds and nutrients that are known to have disease-fighting and health promoting properties. Let’s have a closer look at the many amazing health benefits of chili peppers.

1. Chili peppers are high in Vitamin C

Did you know that chili peppers contain more Vitamin C than oranges? A half-cup of chopped or diced chili peppers delivers 107.8 mg of vitamin C, compared with the 69.7 mg of Vitamin C contained in a medium-sized orange. The benefits of Vitamin C include boosting the immune system, helping to fight colds, protecting us against cardiovascular disease and eye problems, preventing prenatal health problems and helping our skin stay healthy.

 2. Chili peppers have antimicrobial properties

According to numerous scientific studies, several species of chili peppers have potent anti-microbial effects. It has been discovered that capsaicin can fight Gram-negative bacteria, and can also inhibit the formation of bacterial biofilm, which is necessary for bacteria to adhere to tissues. In addition, another compound contained in chili peppers called Chrysoeriol also has some very potent antimicrobial effects.

3. Chili peppers can help decrease inflammation and help with pain relief

Capsaicin has been demonstrated be an effective pain reliever when applied topically. Studies have shown that capsaicin acts by initially stimulating and then decreasing the intensity of pain signals, resulting in “defunctionalization” of pain fibers. In addition, capsaicin is a powerful inhibitor of substance P, a molecule released by the nervous system and associated with inflammatory processes. Creams containing capsaicin can be used for treating pain and inflammation associated with disorders such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetic neuropathy and trigeminal neuralgia.

4. Chilli peppers can help clear nasal congestion

Have you ever noticed that a bowl of spicy curry can clear your sinuses during a cold? This is because capsaicin helps to stimulate the secretions which help to clear mucus from the nose, therefore helping to fight sneezing, coughing and nasal congestion. In addition, its antimicrobial properties help to fight sinus infections.

5. Chili peppers can lower blood pressure

Chili peppers are high in potassium and low in sodium: a tablespoon of chili pepper contains 145 milligrams of potassium and only 1.6 milligrams of sodium. The combination of high potassium and low sodium content, in addition with the folate contained in chili peppers, works to reduce hypertension and to relax blood vessels, which maintains good blood flow. According to a study published in the scientific journal Cell Press, long-term consumption of capsaicin was able to reduce blood pressure in genetically hypersensitive rats

6. Chili peppers can help the spread of some types of cancer

Scientists have discovered that capsaicin found in chili peppers has anti-cancer properties and has been shown to block the proliferation of several types of cancer cells. Capsaicin was found to be helpful in fighting prostate and lung cancer cells, and scientists think that it can be used as a treatment for colon cancer. In addition, there are some indications that capsaicin could improve drug resistance for bile-duct cancer patients.

7. Chili peppers can help with weight loss

Researchers at the University of Wyoming have found that capsaicin increased the metabolic activity in mice that were fed a high fat diet, helping them to burn more energy and preventing them from gaining fat. Several other scientific studies have discovered that capsaicin activates the receptors in the stomach that tell us we are full, and can help to curb our appetites and to prevent weight gain.

8. Chili peppers can help to boost your immunity

The red and orange colors of chili peppers signal their high content of pro-Vitamin A and beta-carotene. In fact, only two tablespoons of dried red chili peppers provide 10% of daily recommended intake of Vitamin A. In turn, Vitamin A is crucial in the functioning of the immune system, and serves to protect the body against invading bacteria and viruses. In addition, Vitamin A helps to maintain healthy mucous membranes that line the nasal cavity, lungs and the intestinal tract.

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