Saturday, March 4, 2017

5 Can’t-Miss Reasons You Have Stopped Losing Weight

Losing weight can be a difficult challenge. It takes determination, focus, motivation and plenty of fight. Just like any fight worth fighting, you can’t expect to constantly be victorious. It can often seem like at the beginning there was a noteworthy difference each time you stepped on the scale, but now it seems progress is harder and harder to come by, and sometime it feel like you’re just spinning your wheels. 

Then you hit the inevitable weight loss plateau, which can be very discouraging to your determined efforts. The encouraging thing to remember is that a weight loss plateau is a part of every successful weight loss routine that has attained its goal.

As you get leaner and improve your metabolism, you will see that it gets harder and harder to lose those final few pounds. This is because your metabolism will naturally begin to slow down and you will either need to burn more calories than before or consume less to make similar efforts as you had done. 

Still this is not the end of your adventures in weight loss, and the weight you seem stuck at is not a death sentence. Nevertheless, you may have to approach your fitness routine from a different angle if you hope to continue across the plateau.

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Following are 5 can’t-miss reasons you seem to have stopped losing weight and some helpful advice on getting going again:
Portion Control

It is easy to underestimate the importance of portion control. You may think that taking a good look at your portions and making visual calculations is not going to affect your overall goals, but you’d be wrong.

When it comes time to shed those last few pounds, the devil is hiding in the details. The closer you get to your weight goals the more important it is to get very specific with portions and serving sizes.

Go back to those careful calculations you were making at the beginning of your routine. Carefully measure out your necessary portions exactly at first and when you know exactly what your serving size looks like you can get back to visual measurements. The smallest additions can tip the scale in a frustrating direction.

●  Too Many Cheat Days

“There is nothing wrong with me having this brownie, if I just went through this exhausting exercise routine, right?” Nothing inherently “wrong, but having these little cheats at the ready every time you exert yourself is cancelling out the advances you could be making toward your weight goals.

Fitness enthusiasts who reward themselves into pushing harder could be off-setting the results of their extra efforts. It’s terrific to run an extra five miles, but if you reward yourself with a 500 calorie treat at the end, what was the purpose?

Reward systems are great motivators, but they must be precision-tuned to your current health efforts if they will be effective in the long term as well. Instead of taking on a full banana split because you did such a great routine, increase the value of your treat while reducing your calories. Have a single scoop of top-quality ice cream or a sliver of really decadent chocolate cake.

As a rule of thumb, your daily calories from junk food can’t be more than 10 or 20 percent of your total calorie intake. So really active people burning over 2000 calories a day, should limit their goodies to a mere 200 - 400 calories tops.

Less Exercise than Necessary

At the beginning of your fitness program you may remember exercising so much that the rest of the day was spent in inactivity, this has been referred to as “compensatory inactivity”. The problem is when this habit becomes a norm.

It is easy to give it all you got in your daily exercise routine and then fall into intense inactivity for the remainder of the day. People “keep score” by assuming that an hour or two of intense training can be followed by a few hours of inactivity.

This will only accomplish one thing, dropping the metabolism back down after you worked so hard to bring it up. The only way to consolidate the metabolism raising benefits of an active lifestyle is to stay active as much as possible. It is those small differences that make all the difference in the end.

Even better is the way these small differences keep you strong and feeling motivated. So take the dog to the park or play some catch with the kids you will feel stronger and perfect your results in the end.

Lack of Proper Fueling

You can expect your appetite to increase considerably if you are involved in a high-intensity exercise program. It is quite common to end your exercise routine with the urge to eat everything you find in the kitchen. This can lead to overeating and all its counterproductive consequences.

The plan to counter this attack is preparation. If you are feeling hungry before you begin the routine, there is a good chance you will be even more famished when it's finished. Having a snack before beginning your routine will keep you energized during exercise. Then you can easily continue with your healthy diet plan.

●  Inconsistent Efforts

As you get closer to your ideal weight goals you will find consistent efforts make all the difference. The first reason is because if you skip one day of exercise, studies show you are 61% more likely to skip another one too. But consistency maximizes your efforts as a whole too.

It takes thousands of repetitions to master the routines you will perform to lose weight. When it comes down to the really fine differences, the way you perform your squats, bench presses and deadlifts will make all the difference in the world. When you have mastered these techniques you will have the capacity to effect more precise weight adjustments.

In Conclusion

The only way to get to the final goal of a fat burning routine is by paying full attention to the finer points and committing to the process day in and day out. Weight loss plateaus will happen and will be easily overcome the more patience and continuity you apply to your efforts.

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